Worksheet Display

The display of each worksheet can be controlled by several settings and configurations. The worksheet, conceptually, consists of a single continuous two dimensional grid of cells arranged in rows by columns, and Gnumeric, by default, displays a small portion of the worksheet area as a continuous region.

A worksheet is created with the number of rows and columns specified by the preference setting that can be adjusted on the Windows tab of the Preference Dialog (see Section 13.2.7 ― Windows Preferences).

The maximum number of rows in a sheet is 16,777,216 and the maximum number of columns is 16384. The dimensions of a sheet can only be set to powers of 2.

The size of an existing sheet can be increased through the Resize Sheet dialog accessible through the sheet tab context menu (see Section 4.3.3 ― Context Menu for Worksheet Tabs) or the Sheet submenu of the Edit menu (see Section 4.2.4 ― Edit Menu).

11.3.1. Worksheet Appearance

A number of aspects of how a worksheet is displayed in the cell grid can be modified. To adjust the display of formulas or results, A1 or R1C1 notation for cell references, how cells with a value of zero are displayed, the presence or absence of grid lines or row or column headers, or whether columns are ordered left to right or right to left, see the description of the Format ▶ Sheet submenu.

11.3.2. Workbook Appearance

This section has not yet been written. Zoom: Changing the Scale of a Sheet

This section has not yet been written. Full Screen Mode

This section has not yet been written. Displaying Workbook Tabs

This section has not yet been written. Displaying Grid Area Scrollbars

This section has not yet been written.

11.3.3. Grouping Rows and Columns

11.3.4. Display Panes