Poznavanje vaše IP adrese može da vam pomogne da rešite probleme vaše veze na internet. Možda ćete biti iznenađeni kada budete saznali da imate dve IP adrese: jedna IP adresa za vaš računar na unutrašnjoj mreži i jedna IP adresa za vaš računar na internetu.
Open the Activities overview and start typing Settings.
Click on Settings.
Click on Network in the sidebar to open the panel.
The IP address for a Wired connection will be displayed on the right along with some information.
Click the
button for more details on your connection.
If more than one type of wired connected is available, you might see names like PCI Ethernet or USB Ethernet instead of Wired.
Open the Activities overview and start typing Settings.
Click on Settings.
Click on Wi-Fi in the sidebar to open the panel.
Click the
for the IP address and more details on your connection.
Posetite whatismyipaddress.com.
Sajt će vam prikazati vašu spoljnu IP adresu.
U zavisnosti kako se vaš računar povezuje na internet, ove adrese mogu biti iste.
Imate primedbu? Otkrili ste grešku? Po vama uputstva nisu najjasnija? Pošaljite vaše mišljenje o ovoj stranici.