Opening an account

The first time a user uses Bugzilla, they must create an account. This account is needed to allow users to be informed of the status of the bug as it is tracked by the system from submission to resolution. The only requirement for opening a Bugzilla account is the possession of a valid email address through which the user can receive a password.

17.3.1. Creating a new account

Users of Bugzilla are automatically redirected to a login page, unless they have previously logged into the system and accepted a 'cookie' with which they identify themselves. The login page has a link called "Create a new account" which will direct users to the account creation page.

Alternatively, by clicking on this link, users can follow a shortcut directly to the account creation page.

Creating a new account is very simple. The account creation page has two fields. In the first, a valid email account must be given. The second asks for a name by which the user wishes to be known. After a user fills out these two fields, clicking on the button labeled "Create Account" will cause a new account to be created and an email sent to the address given in the email field. The email will contain the password used to identify this user.

17.3.2. Logging into the account

After creating an account, users can visit the bug entry page for Gnumeric. Here users are asked to login with their email address and password. After logging in, Bugzilla will present a page to add a bug report.

A user who accepts cookies from will only have to give a password the first time they visit GNOME's Bugzilla. During all future visits, GNOME will recognize the cookie and thereby identify the user.