Receiving Files

moserial can receive files sent in a straight binary data stream, and it can also receive files using the xmodem, ymodem, and zmodem error correction protocols. During file transmission, the received data is not logged to the Sent ASCII or Sent HEX text areas.

To receive straight binary data streams, use the Record function instead of the Receive File function.

To receive files sent with the xmodem, ymodem, or zmodem error correction protocols, using the Receive File function.

When you are ready to receive a file, simply click Receive File, select a folder to store the received file. You will also need to select the appropriate protocol below.

When recording begins, a progress bar will display the status of the file reception.

moserial does not implement the xmodem, ymodem, or zmodem protocols directly. It relies on the standard rz and sz utilities to send and receive data. These utilities, part of the lrzsz package, must be installed on your system.