Getting Started

2.1. To Start Character Map

You can start Character Map in the following ways:

Applications menu

Choose Accessories ▸ Character Map.

Command line

Execute the following command: gnome-character-map

2.2. When You Start Character Map

When you start Character Map, the following window is displayed.

Figure 1Character Map Window

The Character Map window contains the following elements:


The menus on the menubar contain most of the commands that you need to work with Character Map.


The toolbar contains a drop-down list of fonts, font style buttons, and a zoom spin box.

Display area

The display area contains the following components:

  • Script or Unicode Block list box
  • Character Table tabbed section
  • Character Details tabbed section
  • Text to copy text box
  • Copy button

The statusbar displays the currently selected character's Unicode code point and Unicode character name.