Search for text

You can search text in the Terminal output:

  1. Press Search key symbol in the top-right corner, or press Ctrl+Shift+F.

  2. Type in the search keyword and press Enter to search backwards. Alternatively, click on the arrows according to the desired search direction.

You can search using the following options to narrow down your results:

Match case

Make the search case sensitive: this restricts results to only those that match the case of your search keyword.

Match entire word only

Terminal will look for the entire keyword and will ignore results that partially match your search keyword. For example, if you have searched for “cat”, Terminal will show only results that match this keyword exactly and omit results such as “bobcat”.

Match as regular expression

You can use regular expression patterns, also known as regex patterns, in your search keywords. Terminal will display the results that match these search terms.

Wrap around

Terminal searches from your current location in the scrollback to the end of available terminal output and then restarts the search.

If you expect to work with a lot of Terminal output, increase the scrollback lines to a higher limit to allow Terminal to search further back.