Pikanäppäinten muokkaaminen onnistuu seuraavasti:
Avaa Toiminnot-yleisnäkymä ja ala kirjoittamaan Asetukset.
Napsauta Asetukset.
Napsauta Pikanäppäimet sivupalkista avataksesi paneelin.
Click the row for the desired action. The Set shortcut window will be shown.
Hold down the desired key combination, or press Backspace to reset, or press Esc to cancel.
There are a number of pre-configured shortcuts that can be changed, grouped into these categories:
To create your own application keyboard shortcut in the Keyboard settings:
Click the + button. The Add Custom Shortcut window will appear.
Type a Name to identify the shortcut, and a Command to run an application. For example, if you wanted the shortcut to open Rhythmbox, you could name it Music and use the rhythmbox command.
Click the row that was just added. When the Set Custom Shortcut window opens, hold down the desired shortcut key combination.
Napsauta Lisää.
The command name that you type should be a valid system command. You can check that the command works by opening a Terminal and typing it in there. The command that opens an application cannot have the same name as the application itself.
If you want to change the command that is associated with a custom keyboard shortcut, click the name of the shortcut. The Set Custom Shortcut window will appear, and you can edit the command.
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