Sluit de monitor aan om een tweede monitor op uw computer te installeren. Als uw systeem het niet direct herkent, of als u de instellingen wil aanpassen:
Open het Activiteiten-overzicht en typ Schermen.
Click Displays to open the panel.
In the display arrangement diagram, drag your displays to the relative positions you want.
The numbers on the diagram are shown at the top-left of each display when the Displays panel is active.
Click Primary Display to choose your primary display.
The primary display is the one with the top bar, and where the Activities overview is shown.
Select the orientation, resolution or scale, and refresh rate.
Klik op Toepassen. De nieuwe instellingen zullen 20 seconden worden toegepast alvorens terug te gaan naar de vorige. Aldus zullen, als u met de nieuwe instellingen niets ziet, uw oude instellingen automatisch worden hersteld. Als u tevreden bent met de nieuwe instellingen klikt u op Deze instelling behouden.
With two screens, these display modes are available:
Join Displays: screen edges are joined so things can pass from one display to another.
Mirror: the same content is shown on two displays, with the same resolution and orientation for both.
Single Display: only one display is configured, effectively turning off the other one. For instance, an external monitor connected to a docked laptop with the lid closed would be the single configured display.
With more than two screens, Join Displays is the only mode available.
Press the button for the display that you would like to configure.
Drag the screens to the desired relative positions.
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