
要配置 GHex,请选择"编辑" ▸ "首选项""首选项"对话框包含以下选项卡式部分:

4.1. 编辑

Maximum number of undo levels

Use this spin box to specify the maximum number of edits that you can undo.

Show cursor offset in statusbar as

Use this drop-down list to select the format in which the cursor offset is displayed. The format can be decimal, hexadecimal, or a custom print style string that only contains the format specifiers x, o, and s.

Show offsets column

选择此选项会在 GHex 窗口的十六进制视图左侧的柱中显示光标偏移。

4.2. 显示


Use the font selector list boxes to edit the existing font information or type new font information. Specify a font type, style, and size to display the contents of files in GHex.

Default Group Type

Select one of the following options to specify how GHex displays the hexadecimal content of a file in the GHex window:

  • 字节 - 单个字节
  • - 两个字节的组。
  • 长字 - 四个字节的组。

4.3. 打印

Data font

单击数据字体 按钮可以指定打印文件中包含的数据时所用的字体类型、风格和大小。

Header font

Click on the Header font button to specify the font type, style, and size to use to print the header information that is contained in the file.

Print shaded box over

Use this spin box to specify the number of lines that GHex alternately prints with a surrounding shaded box. If the value of the spin box is 10, GHex prints the first 10 lines of the file without a shaded box, the next 10 lines with a shaded box, and so on. If the value of the spin box is 0, GHex does not print any shaded box.