Use the --progress option to create a progress dialog.
Zenity reads data from standard input line by line. If a line is prefixed with #, the text is updated with the text on that line. If a line contains only a number, the percentage is updated with that number.
The progress dialog supports the following options:
Specifies the text that is displayed in the progress dialog.
Specifies the initial percentage that is set in the progress dialog.
Closes the progress dialog when 100% has been reached.
Specifies that the progress bar pulsates until an EOF character is read from standard input.
The following example script shows how to create a progress dialog:
#!/bin/sh ( echo "10" ; sleep 1 echo "# Updating mail logs" ; sleep 1 echo "20" ; sleep 1 echo "# Resetting cron jobs" ; sleep 1 echo "50" ; sleep 1 echo "This line will just be ignored" ; sleep 1 echo "75" ; sleep 1 echo "# Rebooting system" ; sleep 1 echo "100" ; sleep 1 ) | zenity --progress \ --title="Update System Logs" \ --text="Scanning mail logs..." \ --percentage=0 if [ "$?" = -1 ] ; then zenity --error \ --text="Update canceled." fi
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