When interacting with web pages and other documents using Orca, you are interacting with the document itself; not a buffered copy of that document. Orca's browse and focus modes let you switch between reading and filling out forms.
To exit a form field, you have several options:
Use Tab/Shift+Tab if you wish to leave the currently-focused form field and move to the next/previous focusable object, regardless of type.
Use Orca's structural navigation commands for forms to move to the next or previous form field.
Depending on the form and the application, you may also be able to use the arrow keys to navigate out of a given form field.
In order to use Orca's caret navigation or structural navigation commands to exit a form field, you must be in browse mode. If you are in focus mode, you can switch to browse mode by pressing Orca Modifier+A.
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