When you open a note, Gnote will replace the note overview with the note's contents.
Toolbar at the top of the window will now contain note specific items in it. Below toolbar is the note's content area.
To edit the note, click in the content area and type. The first line is considered the title of the note. By default this is populated with the text "New Note (number)". To change the title, click on the first line and use the keyboard to change the title.
Use the Text button to format text within your notes. This button displays a menu with several commands:
The Undo command reverts changes made to your note during the current session. To undo using the keyboard, press Ctrl+Z.
The Redo command puts back changes that were removed using the Undo feature. To redo your last change using the keyboard, press Shift+Ctrl+Z.
To make text bold, select it and then select the Bold command from the Text menu or press Ctrl+B.
To make text italic, select it and then select the Italic command from the Text menu, or press Ctrl+I.
The strikeout style will put a line through the selected text. To add a strikeout, select text and then select the Strikeout command from the Text menu or press Ctrl+S.
The highlight style will put a different background around the selected text. To add a highlight, select text and then select the Highlight command from the Text menu or press Ctrl+H.
Font size
There are actually four options in this part of the menu: Small, Normal, Large, and Huge. Each option represents a font size to use for the selected text. To modify the font size, select text and then select Small, Normal, Large, or Huge.
Select the Bullets command from the Text menu to begin or end a bulleted list. If the cursor is inside a bulleted list, the Increase Indent and Decrease Indent options will be enabled.
With the cursor on a bulleted list line, select the Increase Indent command to shift the current line to the right or the Decrease Indent command to shift to the left.
For more information on bullets, see Bulleted Lists.
The toolbar at the top of note has search button. Use it to search for text within the current note. A small find bar will appear above the note. To open the find bar using the keyboard, press Ctrl+F. Enter the text to find and press Enter. Matches will be highlighted. Click Next to highlight the next match and place the cursor there. Click Previous to move to the previous match. To close the find bar, click the search button again or press the Escape key.
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