
The 16-Puzzle is the variant puzzle of Taquin. You can launch it at any time from the Start Screen.


The goal is to move all the tiles to their proper places.

You move all the tiles of a row or a column in one direction. The tile that is pushed out of the board is placed at the opposite side of the row or column.

End of the game

At the end of the game, Taquin notifies you and displays the complete image.

You can click the Start Over button to go to the Start Screen.

How to play with a mouse

To make a move:

  1. Click on one of the arrows displayed around the board. The row or column at the end of which this arrow is moves in this direction, and the tile that was next to the arrow is placed at the opposite side.

  2. You can always undo a move by clicking the Undo button at the left of the header bar.

  3. At the end of the game, or when you want to switch games, click the Start Over button to go to the Start Screen.

You can also use the keyboard.

How to play with the keyboard

To make a move:

  1. Use the Left, Right, Up and Down arrows to go at the row or the column you want to move. The currently selected row and column are indicated with two lights around the board.

  2. Use the Ctrl+Left or Ctrl+Right keys to move a row, or the Ctrl+Up and Ctrl+Down keys to move a column.

  3. You can always undo a move with the Ctrl+Z keys.

  4. At the end of the game, or when you want to switch games, use the Ctrl+N keys to go to the Start Screen.

You can also use a mouse.