Log out, power off or switch users

When you have finished using your computer, you can turn it off, suspend it (to save power), or leave it powered on and log out.

Odjava ali preklop uporabnika

Da lahko vaš računalnik uporabljajo tudi drugi uporabniki se lahko odjavite ali ostanete prijavljeni in enostavno preklopite uporabnike. V primeru da enostavno preklopite uporabnike, se bodo vsi vaši programi še naprej izvajali in bo ob ponovni prijavi vse ostalo, kjer je bilo.

To Log Out or Switch User, click the system menu on the right side of the top bar, expand Power Off / Log Out, and select the correct option.

Ukaza Odjavi ali Preklopi uporabnika se v meniju pojavita le, če ima sistem več uporabniških računov.

Zaklepanje zaslona

If you’re leaving your computer for a short time, you should lock your screen to prevent other people from accessing your files or running applications. When you return, you will see the lock screen. Enter your password to log back in. If you don’t lock your screen, it will lock automatically after a certain amount of time.

To lock your screen, click the system menu on the right side of the top bar and select Lock from the menu.

When your screen is locked, other users can log in to their own accounts by clicking Log in as another user at the bottom right of the login screen. You can switch back to your desktop when they are finished.

V pripravljenost

To save power, suspend your computer when you are not using it. If you use a laptop, the system, by default, suspends your computer automatically when you close the lid. This saves your state to your computer’s memory and powers off most of the computer’s functions. A very small amount of power is still used during suspend.

To suspend your computer manually, click the system menu on the right side of the top bar, expand Power Off / Log Out, and select Suspend.

Izklop ali ponoven zagon

If you want to power off your computer entirely, or do a full restart, click the system menu on the right side of the top bar, expand Power Off / Log Out, and select either Restart… or Power Off….

If there are other users logged in, you may not be allowed to power off or restart the computer because this will end their sessions. If you are an administrative user, you may be asked for your password to power off.

You may want to power off your computer if you wish to move it and do not have a battery, if your battery is low or does not hold charge well. A powered off computer also uses less energy than one which is suspended.