Kirjanmerkit sijaitsevat tiedostonhallinnan sivupalkissa.
Avaa kansio tai sijainti, jonka haluat lisätä kirjanmerkiksi.
Click the current folder in the path bar and then select Add to Bookmarks.
You can also drag a folder to the sidebar, and drop it over New bookmark, which appears dynamically.
Right-click on the bookmark in the sidebar and select Remove from the menu.
Right-click on the bookmark in the sidebar and select Rename….
Kirjoita Nimi-kenttään kirjanmerkin uusi nimi.
Renaming a bookmark does not rename the folder. If you have bookmarks to two different folders in two different locations, but which each have the same name, the bookmarks will have the same name, and you won’t be able to tell them apart. In these cases, it is useful to give a bookmark a name other than the name of the folder it points to.
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