Manage repeated key presses

By default, when you hold down a key on your keyboard, the letter or symbol will be repeated until you release the key. If you have difficulty picking your finger back up quickly enough, you can disable this feature, or change how long it takes before key presses start repeating, or how quickly key presses repeat.

  1. Open the Activities overview and start typing Settings.

  2. Click on Settings.

  3. Click Accessibility in the sidebar to open the panel.

  4. Press Repeat Keys in the Typing section.

  5. Switch the Repeat Keys switch to off.

    Или используйте ползунок Задержка, чтобы настроить время удержания клавиши нажатой для начала повтора, и ползунок Скорость, чтобы изменить скорость повторного нажатия.