
You can search for files based on their name or file type directly within the file manager.


  1. Open the Files application from the Activities overview.

  2. 如果您知道要找的文件存放位置,可以直接转到那个文件夹。

  3. Type a word or words that you know appear in the file name, and they will be shown in the search bar. For example, if you name all your invoices with the word “Invoice”, type invoice. Words are matched regardless of case.

    Instead of typing words directly to bring up the search bar, you can click the Search key symbol in the toolbar, or press Ctrl+F.

  4. You can narrow your results by date, by file type, and by whether to search a file's full text, or to only search for file names.

    To apply filters, select the drop-down menu button to the left of the file manager's Search key symbol icon, and choose from the available filters:

    • When: How far back do you want to search?

    • What: What is the type of item?

    • Should your search include a full-text search, or search only the file names?

  5. To remove a filter, select the X beside the filter tag that you want to remove.

  6. 您可以对搜索出来的文件,进行打开、复制、删除或其他操作,就像是在文件管理器的文件夹里操作一样。

  7. Click the Search key symbol in the toolbar again to exit the search and return to the folder.