Magnify a screen area

Povečanje zaslona je drugačno kot povečanje velikosti besedila. Ta zmožnost je kot povečevalno steklo, ki vam omogoča premikanje in približanje delov zaslona.

  1. Open the Activities overview and start typing Accessibility.

  2. Click on Accessibility to open the panel.

  3. Press on Zoom in the Seeing section.

  4. Switch the Zoom switch in the top-right corner of the Zoom Options window to on.

Sedaj se lahko premikate po področju zaslona. S premikom svoje miške na rob zaslona boste povečano področje premaknili v različne smeri, kar vam omogoča ogled področja po izbiri.

Povečavo lahko hitro vklopite in izklopite s klikom na ikono splošnega dostopa v vrhnji vrstici in izbiro Povečava.

You can change the magnification factor, the mouse tracking, and the position of the magnified view on the screen. Adjust these in the Magnifier tab of the Zoom Options window.

You can activate crosshairs to help you find the mouse or touchpad pointer. Switch them on and adjust their length, color, and thickness in the Crosshairs tab of the Zoom settings window.

You can switch to inverse video or White on black, and adjust brightness, contrast and greyscale options for the magnifier. The combination of these options is useful for people with low-vision, any degree of photophobia, or just for using the computer under adverse lighting conditions. Select the Color Effects tab in the Zoom settings window to enable and change these options.