

  • 使用鼠标滚轮向上或向下滚屏。要移动页面只需移动鼠标:

    1. 右键单击页面,选择 自动滚屏

    2. 将鼠标指针向窗口底部移动可向下滚屏;越远就越快。

    3. 要停止自动滚动,单击文档中的任何地方。

  • 使用文档窗口的滚动条。

  • 使用您键盘的向上和向下键。

  • 可用您的鼠标拖挪页面,就像您正在抓住页面那样。要这样做:

    • 移动鼠标到页面上,按住鼠标中键即可拖挪页面。

    • 如果您鼠标没有中键,同时按住鼠标左右键,然后拖动。



  • 按下键盘上的 Ctrl+Page UpCtrl+Page Down 按键。

  • 转至指定页面:

    • Type a page number in Select Page on the header bar and press Enter.

    • 如果您想到文档的开头或结尾:

      • Press Ctrl+Home on your keyboard.

      • Press Ctrl+End on your keyboard.

  • 要一次移动十页,按下 Shift+Page UpShift+Page Down

    You can only move around one page at a time, by default. If you want to move between pages just by scrolling or dragging, press the menu button in the top-right corner of the window and select Continuous.


To adjust the zoom level:

  • Select the desired zoom percentage from the drop-down menu in the top-right corner.

  • Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl++ to zoom in, or Ctrl+- to zoom out.

  • Alternatively, hold down Ctrl and use your mouse scroll wheel to zoom.

The Fit Page option will make a document page fit the whole height of the window.

The Fit Width option will make a document page fill the whole width of the window.

If you want to see two pages at once, side by side, like in a book, press the menu button in the top-right corner of the window and select Dual.

If the allow-links-change-zoom gsetting is set to false, links are blocked from changing your zoom level.


  • Press F11.

  • To exit the full screen mode:

    按下 F11Escape