To start the Document Viewer from the command line, type evince. You can open a specific file by typing the filename after the evince command:
evince file.pdf
You can open multiple files by typing the filenames after the evince command, separating the filenames by a space:
evince file1.pdf file2.pdf
The document viewer also supports the handling of files on the web. For example, after the evince command you can give the location of a file on the web:
You can use the --page-label switch to open a document at a specific page. For example, to open a document to page 3, you would type:
evince --page-label=3 file.pdf
The page label should be in the same format as the page number displayed in the Document Viewer header bar.
evince --fullscreen file.pdf
evince --presentation file.pdf
evince --preview file.pdf
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