汇报一个 文档查看器 的漏洞

The document viewer is maintained by a volunteer community. You are welcome to participate. If you notice a problem you can file a bug report. To file a bug, go to https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/evince/issues/.


To participate you need an account which will give you the ability to gain access, file bugs, and make comments. Also, you need to register so you can receive updates by e-mail about the status of your bug. If you don't already have an account, just click on the Sign in / Register link to create one.

Once you have an account, log in, and click on New issue. Before reporting a bug, please read the bug writing guidelines, and please browse for the bug to see if it already exists.

If you are requesting a new feature, choose 1. Feature in the Labels menu. Fill in the Title and Description sections and click Submit Issue.

您的汇报将会被给与一个 ID 号,当它被处理后它的状态将会被更新。