注释是在 PDF 文档中添加的笔记或评论。您可以使用 文档查看器 添加注释。
When you open a file, you should have a side pane on the left side of the window. If you do not have a visible side pane, select the Side pane button in the header bar, or press F9 on the keyboard.
At the top of this side pane, there is a drop-down menu with options like Thumbnails, Outline and Annotations (some of which may be dimmed for some documents).
Select the Annotate the document button from the header bar:
You should now see Note text and Highlight text buttons below the header bar.
Click on the first button to add a text annotation.
Click on the spot in the document window you would like to add the annotation to. Your annotation window will open.
在 注释 窗口中输入您的文本。
单击注释上角上的 x 可关闭该注释。
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