Affichage de toutes les images d'un dossier

You can quickly browse through all of the pictures in a folder by opening one of the pictures and then clicking the Next and Previous buttons on the left and right of the displayed image (for example). You can also view an image gallery, with small previews of all of the pictures in a folder shown at once.

Consultation des images contenues dans un dossier

Si vous avez un dossier contenant plusieurs images, vous pouvez facilement les parcourir toutes sans avoir à les ouvrir individuellement.

  1. Ouvrez n'importe quelle image du dossier que vous voulez parcourir.

  2. Click Next and Previous on the left and right of the displayed image, or press the Right and Left keys, to flip between pictures.

    Alternatively, you can use the Up and Down keys, or Space bar and Backspace keys.

  3. You can browse through the pictures in fullscreen mode by clicking the Fullscreen button in the title bar or by pressing F11. Use the keyboard keys to flip between pictures in fullscreen mode.

    Pour revenir en affichage normal, pressez la touche Échap ou F11.