Play your media

Zenék lejátszása

To play music in Banshee, choose the Music source. The music library will show you all artists in your music library, cover art for each album, and a list of all songs in your library.

Choose the album or song you wish to play from the list of artists, albums or use the search bar in the upper right hand corner of Banshee.

To start playing a song, use your mouse to double click the song name, press the Space, or choose Playback ▸ Play from the Banshee menu.

You can also start playing an album by choosing the album in the album browser and using your mouse to double click the song name, press the Space, or choose Playback ▸ Play from the Banshee menu.

To play all songs by one artist, choose the artist in the artist browser and press the Space, or choose Playback ▸ Play from the Banshee menu.

Banshee also displays your Favorite albums (those you play the most), Recent Favorites, Recently Added and Unheard music. Choose the one you wish to listen to and you can play songs from each.

Banshee can be used to play music in a random order using the Shuffle mode. Enable the mode in Playback ▸ Shuffle, followed by a shuffle type selection.

By Song

Play tracks in a random order.

By Artist

Play tracks by different artists every time.

By Album

Play tracks from different albums every time.

By Rating

Play tracks with higher ratings more often than unrated ones.

If there are no rated tracks, the tracks are played in a random order.

By Score

Tracks that you play frequently are scored higher and played more often.

Videó lejátszása

Your imported videos are listed alphabetically. To play a video, choose the video you wish to play from the list and press the Space, or choose Playback ▸ Play from the Banshee menu.

Banshee also shows your Favorite videos (those you watch the most) and Unwatched videos. Choose one and you can play a video from the list.

Play a podcast

Podcasts shows you all podcasts you are subscribed to, all podcast shows available, and the podcast browser lists all podcasts in order of newest first.

To play a podcast, choose the podcast you wish to play from the list and press the Space, or choose Playback ▸ Play from the Banshee menu.

Internetes rádióállomás lejátszása

The Radio source shows you all internet radio stations you have added to Banshee alphabetically.

To play an internet radio station, choose the radio station you wish to play from the list and press the Space, or choose Playback ▸ Play from the Banshee menu.