Sort your media

Adding Columns

As your library grows, you may want to change your library view to add additional information about the songs in your library or change the way you can view and sort your songs, artists or albums.

You can add additional columns to the library view in Banshee to give you more information about the songs and also allow you to sort by. By default, Banshee displays columns for songs including Name, Artist, Album and Time. To add additional columns, using your mouse right click on any of the columns and Banshee will display all available column to choose from. Click the checkbox next to the name of the column you wish to add to the library view.

Sorting Columns

You can sort your library by using your mouse to click on any of the columns displayed in library view. If you wish to sort your music library by Artist, click the Artist column header and Banshee will automatically sort that column alphabetically. Clicking the Artist column again will sort the column in reverse alphabetical order.