Modifying MIME types

You should never directly modify the source XML files that are installed to the <MIME>/packages directory by applications. Instead, modify the Overrides.xml file. This file has precedence over all other source XML files installed into the same packages directory. If you are an application author, then this rule does not apply. You should create a new source XML file and place it in the proper <MIME>/packages directory (your Makefile will take care of this, of course).

You can modify the MIME database for all users on the system or for a particular user depending on the location of the file you change. To modify the database for all users, make changes to the file Overrides.xml in the $XDG_DATA_DIRS/mime/packages directory. To modify the database for a single user, make changes to the file Overrides.xml in the $XDG_DATA_HOME/mime/packages directory.

After changes are made, you must always run the update-mime-database application, with the directory location of the MIME database as the first parameter.

5.4.1. Adding or Modifying MIME types

To add one or more MIME types for all users:

  1. Create or modify an existing Overrides.xml source XML file, containing the definitions for the MIME types. For more information, see Section 5.3 ― The source XML files.
  2. Place the Overrides.xml file in the /usr/share/mime/packages directory.
  3. Update the MIME database by running update-mime-database using the system account.
    update-mime-database /usr/share/mime

To add one or more MIME types for a single user, follow the same steps, except place your Overrides.xml file in the ~/.local/share/mime/packages directory. Additionally, call update-mime-database with ~/.local/share/mime/packages as the first parameter.

5.4.2. Verifying Changes

After you have made a change to the MIME database and refreshed its contents, you can verify that the change has taken effect using the gnomevfs-info application. This application prints the MIME type and other useful information about a file.

Running gnomevfs-info on a SVG file gives you the output shown below. You'll notice the default application for this MIME type is eog.desktop; We will discuss default applications in Section 5.5 ― Registering Applications for MIME Types.

$ gnomevfs-info mime-diagram.svg
Name              : mime-diagram.svg
Type              : Regular
MIME type         : image/svg+xml
Default app       : eog.desktop
Size              : 14869
Blocks            : 32
I/O block size    : 4096
Local             : YES
SUID              : NO
SGID              : NO
Sticky            : NO
Permissions       : 600644
Link count        : 1
UID               : 1000
GID               : 100
Access time       : Wed Feb 22 18:24:47 2006
Modification time : Wed Feb 22 18:24:42 2006
Change time       : Wed Feb 22 18:24:42 2006
Device #          : 775
Inode #           : 297252
Readable          : YES
Writable          : YES
Executable        : NO

Section 5.4.3 ― application/x-newtype Example walks through the steps of creating a new MIME type and then verifying the changes using gnomevfs-info.

5.4.3. application/x-newtype Example

To create (or override) a MIME type and verify the changes:

  1. Make a new, empty file in your home directory called

  2. Use gnomevfs-info on the file to find out the MIME type.The MIME type for this file should be detected as text/plain because there are not any glob patterns or magic rules that match it1.

  3. Create (or modify) the Overrides.xml file as described in Section 5.4.1 ― Adding or Modifying MIME types with the contents given in Example 5-3.

  4. Refresh the database using update-mime-database.

  5. Use gnomevfs-info to verify that your change has taken effect. You should see the MIME type for the file resolved as application/x-newtype.

    $ gnomevfs-info | grep MIME
    MIME type         : application/x-newtype
Example 5-3Overrides.xml file
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<mime-info xmlns="">
  <mime-type type="application/x-newtype"><comment>new mime type</comment><glob pattern="*.xyz"/></mime-type>

When no glob patterns or magic rules match a file, then it is resolved to the MIME type text/plain if it contains textual data or application/octet-stream for binary data. If the file is empty, then it defaults to text/plain.