Filter log

The log viewer allows you to filter log content based on regular expressions. To set up or manage a new filter:

  1. Open the filter manager dialog by clicking Filters: ▸ Manage Filters.

  2. Click Add to add a new filter, or select an existing filter and click Properties to edit it.

  3. Fill in the form or edit the fields that you wish to change:


    The identifier for the filter

    Regular Expression:

    What the filter will filter for


    This option emphasizes the line containing the regular expression


    This is the font color

    The default font color is black, which does not emphasize the text.


    This is the highlight color

    The default highlight color is black, which shows solid black lines as a result, so it would be wise to change it.


    This option hides the lines containing the regular expression from the shown log

  4. Click Apply to save the new filter or save changes to an existing one

  5. Back at the filter manager dialog, click Close to apply the changes.

Check the box next to the name of the filter that you want to enable in Filters:. If you want to view only the filters which have Highlight enabled and are checked, check Filters: ▸ Show matches only.

If there is a conflict between a hidden and a highlighted filter, the line many show as an empty white line.

If you uncheck a filter while viewing only matches, the log will show the lines without any formatting, regardless of whether they were hidden or highlighted before. The filter should reset when you check a highlighted filter.